A set of 3 case studies on 1.3.1 Product/service design covering:
a) Design mix:
o function
o aesthetics
o cost
b) Changes in the elements of the design mix to reflect social trends:
o concern over resource depletion: designing for waste minimisation, re-use and recycling
o ethical sourcing
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A series of 7 case studies covering Edexcel A Level Business 1.2.1 Demand including:
Factors leading to a change in demand:
o changes in the prices of substitutes and complementary goods
o changes in consumer incomes
o fashions, tastes and preferences
o advertising and branding
o demographics
o external shocks
o seasonality
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A series of 6 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business studies, topic 1.1.1 The market covering:
a) Mass markets and niche markets:
market size and market share
b) Dynamic markets:
online retailing
how markets change
innovation and market growth
adapting to change
c) How competition affects the market
d) The difference between risk and uncertainty
Case studies on the following relevant businesses :
All case studies include content guidance, markscheme and answer structure guidance based on PeCAn-PiE and AJIM models.
A set of 9 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business Studies on 1.4.3 Organisational Design including:
a) Structure:
o hierarchy
o chain of command
o span of control
o centralised and decentralised
b) Types of structure:
o tall
o flat
o matrix
c) Impact of different organisational structures on business efficiency and motivation
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A bumber set of 12 case studies covering Edexcel A Level Business 1.3.2 Branding and promotion, including:
a) Types of promotion
b) Types of branding
c) The benefits of strong branding:
o added value
o ability to charge premium prices
o reduced price elasticity of demand
d) Ways to build a brand
o unique selling points (USPs)/differentiation
o advertising
o sponsorship
o the use of social media
e) Changes in branding and promotion to reflect social trends:
o viral marketing
o social media
o emotional branding
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A set of 3 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business covering 1.5.5 Business choices and 1.5.6 Moving from entrepreneur to leader, including:
1.5.5 Business choices
a) Opportunity cost
b) Choices and potential trade-offs
1.5.6 Moving from entrepreneur to leader
a) The difficulties in developing from an entrepreneur to a leader
A set of 5 case studies covering Edexcel A Level Business 1.4.2 Recruitment and Selection, including:
Recruitment and selection process:
o internal versus external recruitment
b) Costs of recruitment, selection and training
c) Types of training:
o induction
o on-the-job
o off-the-job
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A series of 5case studies covering Edexcel A Level business 1.2.2 Supply including:
Factors leading to a change in supply:
o changes in the costs of production
o introduction of new technology
o indirect taxes
o government subsidies
o external shocks
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A set of 5 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business Studies 1.4.5 Leadership including:
a) Leadership:
o the distinction between management and leadership
b) Types of leadership style:
o autocratic
o paternalistic
o democratic
o laissez-faire
A set of 18 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business Studies 1.4.4 Motivation in theory and practice, including:
a) The importance of employee motivation to a business
b) Motivation theories:
o Taylor (scientific management)
o Mayo (human relations theory)
o Maslow (hierarchy of needs)
o Herzberg (two factor theory)
c) Financial incentives to improve employee performance:
o piecework
o commission
o bonus
o profit share
o performance-related pay
d) Non-financial techniques to improve employee performance:
o delegation
o consultation
o empowerment
o team working
o flexible working
o job enrichment
o job rotation
o job enlargement
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A series of 5 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business studies 1.1.2 Market research covering:
a) Product and market orientation
b) Primary and secondary market research data (quantitative and qualitative) used to:
o identify and anticipate customer needs and wants
o quantify likely demand
o gain insight into consumer behaviour
c) Limitations of market research, sample size and bias
d) Use of ICT to support market research:
o websites
o social networking
o databases
e) Market segmentation
Businesses included are:
Case studies include key points for discussion, markscheme and answer structure following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A series of 5 case studies covering 1.2.3 Markets, 1.2.4 Price elasticity of demand and 1.2.5 Income elasticity of demand including:
The interaction of supply and demand
The factors influencing price elasticity of demand
The significance of price elasticity of demand to businesses in terms of implications for pricing
The factors influencing income elasticity of demand
The significance of income elasticity of demand to businesses
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A series of 14 cases studies for Edexcel A Level Business studies covering 1.3.3 Pricing strategies, including:
a) Types of pricing strategy:
o cost plus (calculating mark-up on unit cost)
o price skimming
o penetration
o predatory
o competitive
o psychological
b) Factors that determine the most appropriate pricing strategy for a particular situation:
o number of USPs/amount of differentiation
o price elasticity of demand
o level of competition in the business environment
o strength of brand
o stage in the product life cycle
o costs and the need to make a profit
c) Changes in pricing to reflect social trends:
o online sales
o price comparison site
All 15 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business Studies, Theme 1, Topic 1.1Meeting customer needs including all subtopics on the market, market positionig and market research.
A set of 4 case studies covering Edexcel A Level Business Studies 1.5.1 Role of an Entrepreneur, including:
a) Creating and setting up a business
b) Running and expanding/developing a business
c) Innovation within a business (intrapreneurship)
d) Barriers to entrepreneurship
e) Anticipating risk and uncertainty in the business
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
An extended learning project book for GCSE Edexcel Business Studies (9-1) to support the teaching and learning of Theme 1, Topic 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship which directs students through a report written to:
Assess how successful a selected local enterprise has been in achieving its main purpose.
Analyse how entrepreneurial characteristics and skills support the purpose of a selected local enterprise.
Describe the entrepreneurial characteristics and skills demonstrated in each selected local enterprise.
Compare the purpose, activities and aims of two contrasting local enterprises.
Outline how entrepreneurial characteristics and skills support the purpose of each selected local enterprise.
Outline in detail how the activities and aims meet the purpose of two contrasting local enterprises.
Identify entrepreneurial characteristic and skills demonstrated in each selected local enterprise.
Identify the purpose, activities and aims of two contrasting local enterprises.
A series of 4 case studies covering Edexcel A Level business 1.1.3 Market positioning including:
a) Market mapping
b) Competitive advantage of a product or service
c) The purpose of product differentiation
d) Adding value to products/services
Companies covered are:
Rolls Royce
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
A series of 8 case studies covering Edexcel A Level business case studies covering
a) Staff as an asset; staff as a cost
b) Flexible workforce:
o multi-skilling
o part-time and temporary
o flexible hours and home working
o outsourcing
c) Distinction between dismissal and redundancy
d) Employer/employee relationships
o individual approach
o collective bargaining
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.
All 42 case studies for 1.3 Marketing mix and strategy:
1.3.1 Product/service design
1.3.2 Branding and promotion
1.3.3 Pricing strategies
1.3.4 Distribution
1.3.5 Marketing strategy
A series of 10 case studies for Edexcel A Level Business Studies 1.3.5 Marketing Strategy including:
a) The product life cycle
b) Extension strategies:
o product
o promotion
c) Boston Matrix and the product portfolio
d) Marketing strategies appropriate for different types of market:
o mass markets
o niche markets
o business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) marketing
e) Consumer behaviour – how businesses develop customer loyalty
Each case study contains key points to consider and key discussion points along with a mark scheme and answer structure guidance following the PeCAN-PiE and AJIM models.